Dattel Pathfinder

Request Your Copy of Reimagining ASEAN Consumers – Report #1

Get the analysis and broad trends of purchase or usage incidence across the three ASEAN countries in three fast-moving verticals.

  • Food and Beverage
    i.e. Groceries – purchase incidences
  • Health and Beauty
    i.e. Usage incidences
  • Media and Communication
    i.e. Platform and content consumption incidences

I Want to Reimagine Consumers In ASEAN!

Request the 1st part of the series to discover the hidden truths of ASEAN consumers.


Consumer-Driven & Behaviour First Approach

We believe that a genuinely holistic view of the consumer is possible by first focusing directly on consumer behaviour rather than through a demographic lens. This bottom-up approach also places the focus on the ways consumers interact with, as well as consume products and services, rather than using industry-driven definitions. By doing so, the irrationality of consumers is captured, which in turn opens industries to insights far beyond the scope of their own verticals.

Consumer Behaviour

Analysing Fast Moving Verticals

In this first report, we identify broad trends by analysing incidences of purchase or usage across the three ASEAN countries in three fast-moving verticals.





